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Stewart & Heddle, Chemists
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Stewart & Heddle, Chemists

Further to Peter Burges's comment on picture #1737, here is an advert for Stewart and Heddle from a Kirkwall guide book of the early 1920s and no later than 1924.
Picture added on 04 October 2006
Is this where Little Island is now?
Added by Rachel on 06 October 2006
No, Little Island is on the other side of the street and was Foubister the tobacconists. This shop became Boots, retaining basically the same frontage, until Boots moved next door to where it is now (the former Albert Kinema/ Templetons/ Presto site). This shop is now Gorn Sport.
Added by Steven Heddle on 07 October 2006
Sorry but you are both wrong. This is now Ridgway Travel
Added by Alison Ridgway on 07 October 2006
Does anyone have any recollection of a treatment made up at Stewart and Heddle for leg ulcers that was from a recipe prescription from a lady in St Catherines Place? I was told it was a wonder cure that was often used in Kirkwall.
Added by Wanda Gorzkowska on 06 October 2007
my name is Ian Heddle Lawson and this happens to be my grandfathers shop. I am the son of bernard heddles daughter. I would be very interested to know if you had any more photos or information.
Regards, Ian
Added by Ian Heddle Lawson on 14 November 2008
I had put down the foundation date of this business as 1856 as that is the earliest of the Valuation rolls. I was pleased to see the date of 1830 in the poster as it will be useful for my work on Kirkwall history. The business was started by William Iverach who belonged to Caithness and married into the Guthrie family of Wideford. Towards the end of his days he took Stewart into partnership with him and it became Iverach & Stewart. Stewart in turn took Heddle into partnership with him and so we get Stewart & Heddle. Bernard Heddle became sole partner and when Wright's chemist's came available he took that on too. It was Bernard Heddle from whom Boots acquired the shops and for a time continued to run them both before settling on the lower shop.
Added by David Partner on 08 April 2015
Hello. My maiden name is Shelagh Heddle and I am the daughter of Robert Heddle who is one of Bernard Heddle’s sons. Any further information would be gratefully appreciated
Added by Shelagh Rodgers on 24 January 2018
Ian Heddle and Shelagh Rodgers does your relative Bernard Heddle have a brother who immigrated to Canada named Edwin (Born about 1887 died in Victoria 1941? I believe I am working on Bernards brother's profile and would appreciate confirming that your Bernard is Edwins brother.

Added by Susan Durant on 26 October 2020
Hello Susan. I believe there’s an Edwin and think he’s Bernard’s brother. I think he has 4 grandchildren - Katherine, Dorothy, Susan and Chris. You may have already been in touch with them

Added by Shelagh Rodgers (Heddle) on 22 December 2022
Stewart and Heddle was at 67 Albert Street, and the family lived above the shop
Added by Robert Heddle. Grandson on 19 December 2023
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