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Interior Paterson UF Church (Tom Kent)
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Interior Paterson UF Church (Tom Kent)

Picture added on 07 February 2009
Through my work at Hydro-Electric, I was alone in the East Kirk many times.I found it particularly eerie due to the dark stained timber and the poor lighting. Most Kirks give a feeling of peacefullness but I always felt uncomfortable in here.
Added by Ian Tait on 08 February 2009
I often felt that too, probably because I wis merried there, lol.
Added by Dare Not Say on 10 February 2009
Can anyone tell me anything about this organ; Builders, Specification, organists etc? Any info would be appreciated.

[And what happened to it?]
Added by Steven Flett on 29 September 2010
The late James Flett (Flett and Sons) played beautifully for many years. The late Dick Hughes unfortunately had a much shorter tenure. I can give you a contact for more information, Steven, if you get in touch.
I always felt it was peaceful, even when there alone.
Added by Barbara Johnston on 30 September 2010
Patterson Church had light timber when we got married in it in the eighties. It was the King Street Church that had the dark timber.The choir seats were blue velvet covered to match carpet while the King Street had red velvet.
I think the organ went to the monks in Papa Stronsay when the East Church became the "One-Stop Shop".
Anonymous comment added on 30 September 2010
Rhonda Low and the late Dick Hughes were organists in the East Church.
Anonymous comment added on 01 October 2010
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