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Cathedral Wedding
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Cathedral Wedding

Any ideas whose wedding this was, and when it took place? Date estimated.
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Picture added on 24 September 2008
The man at the left hand edge of the photo, standing down on the pavement and wearing a felt hat looks very like my great-grandfather, James Flett of 18 Garden Street. I think one of the best ways to date crowd photos like this would be to get a detailed book on women's hats and find out which styles came in when. See how many berets there are. There's also a sou'wester - I think there must have been rain around. Are those capes that the policemen have over their shoulders?
Added by Paul Sutherland on 09 October 2008
Yes, it would seem to be capes, given the way they are folded.

A sizeable proportion of the Orkney Constabulary (pre-1938 as no diced cap, and Orkney's own cap badge being worn)in attendance, including the Superintendent (could it be Supt John Muir Tulloch who was the Force's Chief Officer from 1927 to 1938?)(in front of closed half of left-hand set of doors).

Constable No. 3 is clearly ensuring there is a clear paasage for the couple, using his left hand and stern look to good effect. Could this be Thomas Mainland who would later receive the King's Police Award for Gallantry? The photo clearly shows the beautiful (and rare) cap badge of the Orkney police force as worn by PC 3.
Added by Dave Conner on 13 February 2009
The fashion of the women's coats and hats point to around 1920s to early 1930s.
Added by Marion Mcleod on 15 February 2009
Possibly the wedding of J. Storer Clouston's daughter Marjorie to Leicestershire architect Henry Goddard on 23rd August 1934. According to Howard Hazell's "Orcadian Book of the 20th Century" the paper carried a 5000-word report of it, including a full list of wedding presents and who gave them. A look at it might give enough detail to identify the picture one way or the other.
Added by Paul Sutherland on 30 April 2010
Further to my earlier comment, this is indeed the wedding of Marjory Clouston to H. G. Goddard in August 1934. The "Orcadian" report states that the bride was "tastefully garbed in oyster satin", her dress "charmingly cut on Princess lines" with a "Medici collar of old lace". The bridesmaids, who wore gold satin, were Miss Margaret Baikie, Tankerness; Miss Harriet and Miss Diane Goddard, the Manor House, Newton Harcourt, sisters of the bridegroom; and Miss Patty Haydon, Lynnfield, Kirkwall. The "pretty little train-bearer" (not visible here) was Miss Mary Pasteur, London and Gairsay, cousin of the bride. The report goes on to give the speeches at the reception at Smoogro, and has a photo of bride, groom and rather sulky-looking train-bearer.
Added by Paul Sutherland on 24 August 2010
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