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Egg Packing Station, 2/4
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Egg Packing Station, 2/4

A Dougie Cooper picture, July 1967. Eggs were clearly big business at the time. I only remember the egg packing station as being a Birsay Farmers type store. I did get some pairs of shoes from there as a boy.
Picture added on 03 April 2006
Mina Norquoy keeping a weather eye on the eggs
Added by Hazel on 15 September 2007
I worked on an egg packing station at Stromness April 1945 -- From Edinburgh on the AMELIA from LEITH (Captain MOONEY, I think) - - Biscuits and beer went N. and eggs went S. - - John Wightman & Sons distributed them in Edinburgh - - I was 15 --
Added by Alastair James Berry on 03 March 2018
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