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By special request for Adele! More details and names please.
Sorry about the low resolution, I'd hoped to scan it as two halves but my aged scanner isn't up to it.
Picture added on 01 February 2006
Oh no! It's all coming back to me. That was "Time Flight" by Ian McQueen (standing next to Mrs Vesco second left?) as performed at the St Magnus Festival in 1979. Despite having no musical abilities whatsoever (or maybe because of it), I had to plonk away at the xylophone. I think that's me at the far right hand side. The story was some prehistoric tosh or other and I think Sean Groundwater as some sort of high priest is in the centre. Philip Findlater was the baddie and is standing in the middle at the back on front of the cardboard and papier mache standing stone that flattened him at the thrilling climax. At least one of the participants christened the production "Time Sh**e".
Added by Paul Sutherland on 01 February 2006
I'm glad you mentioned what it was, 'cause I was looking at the costumes and fuddlin' my poor brain trying to work out what the show was. we got to do wizard of oz in my year (and people have been calling me a munchkin ever since...).
Added by Mike Dunster on 02 February 2006
My sister sent me this pic. Think I'm at the back somewhere pretending to be part of some futeristic computer. Can still remember some of the words which is quite freaky.
Added by Barbra Black on 03 February 2006
Me too! "Computer KGB - Hopes you have slept well"! Were we part of computer which ruled lives of citizens of "Onny" who lived inside a dome because "Orkney" and the outside world had been destroyed? Don't think I understood what was going on even then. Thank goodness in low resolution!
Added by Dawn Rushbrook on 27 May 2006
Gosh thats a blast from the past , i was one of the main characters. i'm just above the white dressed angel? to the right, remember the sparkly tights that we had to wear.
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Added by Caroline Sinclair(rendall) on 14 May 2010