Orkney Image Library

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Sheila Reid (nee Hutchison)

P7 Einar, 1978-79, Kirkwall Primary School Back Row, L to R Tam Linklater, Michael Windwick, Brian Pottinger, Andrew Baikie, Roddy Munro, Ke...
P1 at Kirkwall Primary, 1973 That's Sheila on the left, Agnes Miller on the right, and I've forgotten who is the middle despite S...
P2(?) Kirkwall Primary School, 1973 I'll rely on somebody else to come up with the names and the class (viz. Erlend, Einar, Sweyn or Ma...
School concert, Kirkwall Primary, 1979 By special request for Adele! More details and names please. Sorry about the low resolution, I'd ...
P1 Kirkwall Primary School Sheila Hutchison, Karen R Mowat and Agnes Millar. [Travelling minstrel Alan a'Hale has pointed ou...
Corinthians B team taken in late 80s Date estimated. Back l-r: Paula Marwick, Eileen Spence, Olive Flett, Carolynn Delzial, Cathy Dea...
Orkney under 18 Junior Inter County badminton team Back l-r: Scott Taylor, Paul Kemp, Kenny Brown, Bob Clouston Front l-r: Sandra Taylor, Fiona Ma...
Lifesaving at Kirkwall Pool, mid 80s Back l-r: Shirley Reid, Donald Low, John Leslie Front l-r: Lindsay Reid, Karen Scott, Gillian ...

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