The Orkney Image Library
No: 12930 Contributor: Tommy Kirkpatrick Year: 2008
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Saw this colourful bird this morning,18/7/08.

Picture added on 18 July 2008
This is nothing to do with Kerry Katona, is it? No one wants pink rabbits, so now they're going for torquoise gulls!?
Added by Alison Ritchie on 19 July 2008
Looks like it's been for a dip in a chemical toilet...
Added by A nonny Moose on 19 July 2008
It's been anti fouled, they have to stay at sea for longer nowadays to catch their quota
Added by John on 20 July 2008
Its the goverment again, They cant leave nothing alone, Even the gulls are having to go green !!!!!
Added by Colin Mcbeath on 25 July 2008
I wonder if that gull is still flying and not found floating in the Peedie Sea.
Anonymous comment added on 30 July 2008
Good point, There seem's to have been a few green gulls found in poor shape, STRANGE !!!!
Added by Colin on 30 July 2008
I was reliably informed that it was put to sleep by the SSPCA yesterday.
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Added by Tommy Kirkpatrick on 30 July 2008