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At the Crafty car park entrance, Picky Road, Kirkwall.
See also picture #12874

Picture added on 15 July 2008
I think that tree is part of Thora Bain's garden. That's her house in the background and her garden is adjacent to the crafty car park.
Added by Ian Cameron on 17 July 2008
I dont know if its right or not, but I remember being told that the owner of the tree refused to let the council remove it, so they had to leave the pavement is it is. I know I've had a few scary moments walking out that road and being nearly clipped by wing mirrors while waiting to go round the tree. Got soaked there too, as the rain leaves nice big puddles there, and a lot of vehicles dont/wont slow down. Then again, many pedestrians just walk out without checking for vehicles, so it seems to me to be a danger anyway you look at it.
Anonymous comment added on 19 July 2008
Thora did wrangle with the council over the removal of that tree - I was a milk boy at the time - she argued over it's historical significance (the peedie sea at one time reached as far as this). And she won - good on her.
Added by Ian Robertson on 20 July 2008
OIC seem to allow buildings to be demolished all the time to make way for new builds so why not demolish this tree on the grounds of public safety? A new tree could be planted somewhere to replace it. in fact OIC or the Kirkwall Community Council could start a new "forest" of trees somewhere in town as replacements for this one, the big tree and several others. Grants or funds would probably be available?
Added by Marion Mcleod on 20 July 2008
I usually just walk through the carpark, it saves going round that corner, and I agree with Sandy...it is a nice tree.
Added by Isobel Irvine on 21 July 2008
Glad to see something attractive and natural is being kept in an area of new-build which is either mediocre or downright ugly. Maybe Tesco will do the right thing and plant lots of trees in front of their store.
Added by Elizabeth on 21 July 2008
Why not just go down towards the caravan park and then down the ramp into either Lidl or Tesco's car parks if you want to avoid that pavement?
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Added by Alison Ritchie on 21 July 2008