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Tug Salveda
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Tug Salveda

Allan writes: 'M/I Tug Salveda along side the end of scapa pier 1952 I believe
Picture added on 23 November 2005
Allan, if you are looking back at this do you have any pictures of the metinda? One of the model companies is doing a model of her now. Just thought you might have a picture kicking about. cheers.
Added by Francis Hamilton on 28 March 2008
Yes Francis I do. Will sort something out for you- Allan
Added by Allan Besant on 31 March 2008
Was the Captain of the Salveda or the Metinda Herbert Sutherland?
Anonymous comment added on 31 March 2008
I remember the name Herbert Sutherland to do with them tugs, I feel reasonably
sure that he was on the Salveda.
Added by Jimmy Hamilton on 01 April 2008
I've a photo of the Metinda. I'll put it in when I can lay my hands on it!
The captain of the Salveda - was it not Mackie Anderson? His wife was a cousin to Thora McGinn. The captain of the Metinda was George Leggatte (not sure of the spelling!)
Added by Barbara on 06 April 2008
Mum has just told me that it was Captain Joe Annan, the captain of the Metinda and also George Leggate (correct spelling). Also Murry Tailor was one of the crew.
Added by Barbara on 14 April 2008
Albert Scollay was on one of these.
Added by William Watters on 16 April 2008
My father was a crew member on Salveda in 1953, he lives in Stornoway and is in his 84th year
Added by Joanne on 21 September 2009
Herbert Sutherland from Burray, an uncle of the Herbert, who was a pilot in the Flow I think, was definately Master of either the Bustler, Salveda or Metinda, or maybe all three at different times.
Added by Fred Johnston on 22 September 2009
Herbert Sutherland stayed in St Catherine's Place with his wife and son, the late Norman,who was a member of the Kirkwall lifeboat.
Anonymous comment added on 23 September 2009
Captain Herbert Sutherland was my grandfather, should anyone require any info on the salvida & metinda please contact me by post, i hve a few newspaper clippings, some letters from cox & danx etc an am happy to help with what you need & maybe gain some more info from you.

Ann Sutherland
18 sommerville Sq
kw15 1bx
Added by Ann Sutherland on 16 June 2010
Hi Ann, I wonder if you have any cuttings about a rescue the Salveda did from a trawler of the coast of Wick, 5 men drowned but the rest of the crew were saved by breaches bouy and taken ashore.
A photcopy or anything.
Added by Joanne Morrison on 22 June 2010
Hi Ann,
I wonder if you have a clipping of a rescue the Salveda carried out on a Wick Trawler, they saved all the crew apart from 5 poor souls. My father who was crew on Salveda is asking!
Kind Regards

Added by Joanne Morrison on 23 June 2010
Dear Joanne
I dont recall any paperwork relaiting to that incedent but if you ask Alan Besant (he is on here too) he may have some details or maybe Charlie Hibbert. If i do find anything i will contact you asap, may i ask your fathers name as it may ring a bell

Kind Regards
Added by Ann Sutherland on 27 June 2010
Dear Joanne,
I have just found a website called Caithness Field Club they list all wrecks around caithness, you may find details there, hope this helps i will continue to look for more info for you

Added by Ann Sutherland on 27 June 2010
18.9.53 "HASSETT", a Grimsby trawler, ran ashore at Aukengill. It took the L.S.A. three hours to locate her. Wick lifeboat was also called out. 15 men were taken ashore by breeches buoy under bad conditions. 5 were washed overboard and drowned before help arrived. The vessel become a total wreck.

would this be it? thats all i have found so far online

Added by Ann Sutherland on 27 June 2010
Hi Ann, Thanks so much for that info, I asked my father and he said that its the trawler he had talked about. His name is John "Jock" Morrison and we are in Stornoway in Isle of Lewis, he is in his 84th year. He was crew on the Salveda from 1952 - 1954 which was based at Faslane.
Kind Regards
Added by Joanne Morrison on 30 June 2010
Hi Joanne,
Glad i found the right one, i could o been there for weeks, Could you please ask your father what my Grandfather was like, my Dad rarely spoke of him as they never saw each other due to his work & i would like to know a bit more of what type of a man he was. I know he was good at his job but nothing about his humour, beliefs etc. I would be most gratefull for any info on this side of him, Thank you
Added by Ann Sutherland on 03 July 2010
Hi Ann,
My father says that Cpt. Herbert was a hard worker, top seaman and although he was on the tug for 2 years he didn't get to know him very well. He was quiet, except when under pressure to get the job done! Not much info Ann, he might remember more when he has time to reflect. Kind Regards
Added by Joanne Morrison on 09 July 2010
Hi,my husband's father was Mackie Anderson,anyone with any info please about his life on Salveda
Added by Jo Anderson on 29 March 2013
I would like to confirm the dates of my dad's service aboard the Salveda. His name was Robert Lambert Docherty (Bobby). I have a vague recollection of what I think was the night of the January storm of 1953 and believe my dad may still have been serving then.
Added by Janette Hannah on 18 November 2013
I was second radio officer on the Salveda in 1949. Captain Anderson was the salvage master and the skipper was i believe James White. We were lifting the wrecks which were sunk to close the channels after the Royal Oak was sunk and the Churchill Barriers were built. the first radio officer was called Angus, the cook was Bruce. We salvaged a ship called Herver Bratt which ran aground in Stornoway harbour. We used to tow the wrecks to Faslane on the Clyde. I have some photos of the Salveda and crew.
Added by Ralph Johnson on 23 February 2017
Hi my dad,s 1st boat was the Salvida. He waz a youngster from Tiree, Donald Stewart. It would have been about 1956/57. Any information or full photos would be great, he was 80 this year.
Added by Barry Stewart on 12 July 2021
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