The Orkney Image Library
No: 10016 Contributor: John Budge Year: 1957
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Here second from the left is Minnie Sutherland on her leaving the Island to live in the south.
Minnie was the only lady Hon Sec in the Lifeboat service at that time, having taken over from her father Wm Sutherland. Between them they carried the task of running the Longhope Station for a long number of years.
As a mark of the high regard held for Minnie, the Lifeboat took her on the first leg of her journey to a new life in the "Sooth".
She is photographed along with the Officials and crew at the boatshed.
Left to right.Lady Skrine- Minnie-Bob Johnston(sodger)-Jimmy Swanson-Billy Mowat-Jimmy Johnston(young sodger)-Bob Johnston(engineer bob)-Malcome Stewart-Dan Kirkpatrick-Ray Kirkpatrick-Jackie Norquoy-??-Isaac Moar-John Groat(JMF)-Hughie Seatter(sen)-child at the front- Gary Kirkpatrick.

Picture added on 18 March 2008
This photo brings back memories of a lot of folk.
Added by Beryl Simpson on 18 March 2008
Has anyone got any other photos of Lady Skrine please?
Added by Barbara on 25 March 2008
Does anyone have any more info on James Swanson?
Added by Calum Swanson on 25 March 2008
Jimmy Swanson and his wife Jean were my next door neighbours from the early 50s up to his tragic death in the Longhope Lifeboat Disaster(March 17th 1969).
Jean then moved to Stromness where one of Jimmy's brothers "Arthur" lived.
Jimmy ( From a Caithness family) was engineer on the South Isles ferry Hoy Head.
Jean then moved to Stromness where one of Jimmy's brothers "Arthur" lived.
Jimmy ( From a Caithness family) was engineer on the South Isles ferry Hoy Head.
Added by Stewart Taylor on 26 March 2008
I understand that Jimmy Swanson was a Cunard chief steward, who came to Longhope to manage the hotel. He made a first class job of it, in the days when it was an extremly busy place, with Lyness in full swing and lots of trout fishermen in the summer.
Jimmy was a great lifeboat supporter and always had a dram ready for the crew when they returned from what they call nowadays "a shout".
He actually took the photograph of the crew that carried out the " Oljaren" rescue. The one displayed in the lifeboat museum.
Jimmy was a great lifeboat supporter and always had a dram ready for the crew when they returned from what they call nowadays "a shout".
He actually took the photograph of the crew that carried out the " Oljaren" rescue. The one displayed in the lifeboat museum.
Added by Fred Johnston on 26 March 2008
Great photo - rekindles many memories! Thanks Beryl for drawing my attention to it. Any chance of a better scan John? Good to see you briefly last week.
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Added by David Watters on 29 September 2011