Orkney Image Library

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Brian W. Tulloch

Sanday School concert This is the cast of a 1923 concert by Burness School, Sanday. It appears to correspond very closely ...
Burness School, Sanday Burness School, Sanday mid 1930s
Scar, Sanday Scar, Sanday, family & staff 1933
UF Kirk picnic United Free Kirk picnic, Sanday. Probably 1920s or 1930s.
Burness School picnic Burness School picnic, at Lamba Ness, Burness, Sanday early 1930s. I think the unnamed girl in the f...
Cross football team Cross Football Team 1926. At Central School Sanday. Back row - J Cooper, John Wilson, Jimmy Tulloch....
George Horwood George Horwood. Son of Col. George Horwood, laird, Westove Estate, Scar, Burness, Sanday. Date gu...
Missie Horwood Missie Horwood. Daughter of Col. George Horwood, laird, Westove Estate, Scar, Burness, Sanday. [D...
Missie Horwood Daughter of Col. George Horwood, laird, Westove Estate, Scar, Burness, Sanday. [Date guessed - St...
Missie Horwood Missie Horwood. Daughter of Col. George Horwood, laird, Westove Estate, Scar, Burness, Sanday. [D...
George Horwood George Horwood son of Col George Horwood possibly. This photo is in my late father's collection of p...
Australian soldier prior to Dardanelles Australian soldier prior to Dardanelles campaign. This postcard is in my late father's collection (W...

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