Orkney Image Library

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Brian Gray

Christmas party in Hoy? This picture belongs to my Mum Margaret Gray nee Stephen. Her father (and my Grandad) is Alexander P...
Alexander Pirie Stephen Alexander Pirie Stephen - from Mill Bay West, Hoy. Photo of my Grandad who served in the Army Den...
Hoy Primary School Not sure of year but think circa 1946, guessing my Mum is around 8 in this photo? My Mum, Rita Steph...
Cousins, Millbay, Hoy LtoR: Margaret Sutherland (now Moncrieff), Margaret (Rita) Stephen, Alec Stephen, Nolly Sutherland, ...
Before Edna and Cliff went to NZ Before Edna and Cliff Stephen went to New Zealand. Number 1 is Alexander (Ally) Stephen (my Grandad...

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