Orkney Image Library

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Kathleen Keldie

Tankerness School Tankerness School Circa 1894
Holland Farm, Tankerness Awaiting more snow from the east on Saturday 18 December 2010. Looking towards Holland Farm, Tankern...
Tadpoles! 19/05/12 - There are the most tadpoles ever in our pond this year. We have been feeding them and the...
Frog exodus 10/07/12 Hundreds of little frogs leaving the pond now.
Liner welcomed 4 August 2012 - Passengers lined the upper deck on this liner enjoying the display as the vessel pas...
Exercise taking place in The String 28 August 2012 - Exercise taking place in The String
Mystery wedding anniversary picture 1960's possibly. Can anyone add the names for the people in this wedding anniversary photograph? The...
Mystery School 1930 (August) 4th from the left I think is Rita Hay and on the right end possibly George Donaldson. ...
Cooper family, Highbury, Kirkwall circa 1900 I think that this is William Cooper, Highbury and I'm guessing his 2nd wife Barbara Scott. Can anyon...
Interesting stone Interesting stone found on a beach in Tankerness on 16 July 2013
Alice Matches and Lizzie Cooper Probably taken in 1920's Left - Alice Matches, Skibbowick, Tankerness and right - Lizzie Cooper, Co...
Orkney Herald staff Staff of Orkney Herald. Tallest man on the back row is John Keldie [Date guessed- Steven]

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