Orkney Image Library

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Wolfgang Schlick

Holland Farm, Papa Westray This picture show the roof of the Horse Engine Barn
Cathedral bell loft Wolfgang writes: 'Picture taken in the late 1980ies, when Willie the Bellringer had a little break ...
Naming ceremony for lifeboat Wolfgang writes: 'Enclosed a pic from the namegiving ceremony of the Stromness Lifeboat "Dorothy, V...
A Day Out, Corrigall Farm Museum Wolfgang writes: 'St Margaret's Hope primary 5th (?) at Corrigall Farm, 1999.'
The St Magnus Hymn, or Nobilis Humilis From SCRAN: "The St Magnus Hymn, or "Nobilis humilis" is a piece of music which celebrates St Magnu...
Kirbister hearth Date estimated. This arrangement was common less than 100 years ago. Some change.
Old Pierowall Church Wolfgang writes: 'Enclosed a b/w-pic of St Mary (?) Old Pierowall Church, Westray. date: late 1980...
Melsetter House Date unknown. Wolfgang writes: '... cut off of an historic pic out of a series which I have bought i...
Interior of Melsetter House History of this picture is as picture #1310, date is estimated. Wolfgang writes: 'It is a "mirr...

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