Orkney Image Library

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Hoy and Walls

Emperor Moth larva, north Hoy Pic taken 1978. Emperor Moth larva, north Hoy. A beautifully coloured animal, yet well camouflaged ...
Two views of Lyness pier Two views of Lyness pier top one looking North and the bottom one West. Both taken by John Besant f...
Longhope Lifeboat Memorial The Longhope Lifeboat Memorial nearly finished. Jackie Groat, my dad David Gillespie and ?
Longhope Then and Now nother then ( bottom pic abt 1930) and now I believe I have this right..thanks google earth M...
Longhope Freemasons Maybe 1950 Some local men from Longhope St Colm 1022 Freemasons. Left to right ? Jimmy Simpson ??...
Rackwick under cultivation A photograph of Rackwick under cultivation. Don't know what date etc.
North Walls (?) School 1957 1957? Back Row L to R: Colin Walls, Garry Thompson, Cyril Simpson, George Creswell, Ian Stewart, S...
Play time in Crockness c 1929 Play time in Crockness left to right: Freddie, Walter and Jim Ross, Wellbraes, Bill Hamilt...
Children's fashions in Crockness Late 1920s children's fashions in Crockness c1927/8 Jim, Walter and Freddie Ross, outside Wellbr...
Operation Overlord 1/2 Commemorative Medal issued by the Imperial War Museum on the 50th anniversary (1994) of the D-Day la...
Hamnavoe Carers outing to Hoy Hamnavoe Carers outing to Hoy, June 1995.
Lyness Interpretation Centre Machine-gun carrier, Lyness Interpretation Centre, 1995.

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