Ships and boats
Boat at Castra Geo, Birsay Extreme right is John David Moar, Vinbrake
man back on ???
Gillie Comloquoy,Cleatfurrows, Palace
South isles boat? Can John Budge make any comment on this photo ?
The Lavern, This photo was taken at Longhope regata around 1970-73.
I believe Lavern was built by a Mr Baikie i...
Pioneer Comander Another photo of the Pioneer Commander, ashore on the Clettack, Pentland Skerries.
Earl Thorfinn at Stronsay The date is only a guess . Thorfinn got radar in 1955 so later than that. On the pier are John Devin...
Queen on Stronsay Lifeboat I asked Jeemie Stoot what the Queen was saying to him, and he assures me that she said, "Does one ke...
Last Voyage. The date is a guess. Is this the Hebe which belonged to David Chalmers. She was broken up at the sid...
Scapa Post card (from collection) [Date estimated - Steven]