Christian Radich The Royal Norwegian Naval training ship, Christian Radich arrived in Orkney on Friday for a weekend ...
Junior Inter County Hockey This photo shows the Orkney junior inter county squad for 1987, the game was played in the Bignold P...
STROMNESS SHOPPING WEEK Photograph of a float from Stromness Shopping Week, Guestimate 1987. I have not named anyone on this...
St Ola Old St Ola berthed at Stromness in 1987
The Baldy Boys Children in Need night 27th November 1987.
This was taken upstairs in the Torvhaug after the clippe...
Yachts in the Basin A collection of yachts in the basin before we had the marina. This pic. would have been taken on com...
The Queen Inspecting the TA on her visit in (1987).