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Site of Woolies extension
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Site of Woolies extension

The uncleared site at the back of the Quest Buildings (or Imperial Hotel for Orkneycommunities veterans), next to Mounthoolie Lane, where the Woolies extension would be built. Date estimated.
Picture added on 21 September 2005
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Orkadale is the name of the house with the tiny windows facing you in this picture where my grandparents used to stay (after Woolies extention was built). It has windows at the front and sides but never at the back by the looks of it, although it looks like those are two little ones. I dont know if this area was the garden at one time, seems strange that there were never bigger windows on that side. If anyone has any other photos showing Orkadale I would love to see them.
Added by Craig Taylor on 21 September 2005
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