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1947 County Show 3/3
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1947 County Show 3/3

An unidentified hockey team. It's apparent that the show park was on the edge of Kirkwall back in 1947.
Picture added on 18 September 2005
sorry about the previous comment re my mother making her first visit to Orkney to meet her future husband's family - they were in fact married then but it was her first visit!!! Think all the warm summer weather got to my brain?
Added by marion mcleod on 08 July 2006
George Leonard tells me this picture needs to be reversed and thinks it is a few years later than 1947 as his house is shown in it and he knows when that was built. My mother had this pic with the others all dated 1947 which was the year she first visited Orkney to meet her future husband's family and see the islands.
Added by marion mcleod on 08 July 2006
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