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I think Shapinsay folk might identify this trio,again date
Picture added on 25 February 2008

Added by Peter Bews on 10 May 2010
This picture was taken in Canada in the late 1950. The people are (from left to right) James Douglas Bews (Jimmack), Edgar Bews and his wife Meta Nicholson (from Little Feaston in Shapinsay). The Bews brothers were just two of the nine children of Peter and Christina Bews (nee Keldie) of Berryhill in Scapa.Edgar and Jimmack emmigrated to Canada, Edgar died there but Jimmack came home with his wife Simone. Meta is still alive and kicking in Calgary. Dated 9th May 2010- so the whitema should be laying!
Added by Peter Bews on 10 May 2010
thanks Peter waited a long time for that information, my Granny was Frances Nicolson, from shapinsay, and remembered her speaking aboot them folk, actually one of her old photos.. thanks again
Added by Jimmy Hamilton on 11 May 2010
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Stromness PierKirkwall Harbour 2 of 5London Zoo seal-acquisition project #7Derelict cottage on FlottaPartially stooked field 1965Grant's Shop, St Catherine's PlaceOutside Astley Cottage, ShapinsayDisney Magic leaving Rough seas returning from ShapinsaySolan jacket towed by Toisa Envoy