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Orkadale, Mounthoolie Lane
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Orkadale, Mounthoolie Lane

Orkadale, Mounthoolie Lane in Kirkwall.

I see by the sign on the wall it has renamed Orcadale, it was always Orkadale as far as I remember.

I used to come and stay with my grandparents in this house in the early 1980's, I think he planed that tree in the picture from a seedling.

It was very handy, I remember getting dinners put over from the hotel kitchen on hot plates, saved a lot of cooking.

When we were kids we would have great laughs from the third floor gable end window watching drunk folk stagger about after Albert dances.

Does anyone know the history of this house?

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Picture added on 21 February 2008
I stayed in orkadale for approx 7 months in the end of 1990 when it was owned by my employer Paddy Casey, thouroughly enjoyed it and the bothy as well. iIsee the porch is gone, he did always say he was going to do it up . well done. good to see it, regards John Wishart,
Added by John Wishart on 25 March 2012
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