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Kirkwall City Pipe Band
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Kirkwall City Pipe Band

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Picture added on 16 February 2008
where is this taken?
any names?
Anonymous comment added on 18 February 2008
Looks like it was taken above the courtyard behind the Tourist Information centre.
Added by Graham Macdonald on 18 February 2008
Back Row.-Drummers G. Harrold, D.Nicholson, J. Tulloch. Trumpeter D.Wooldrage.
Middle Row.-Pipers C. Langskaill,J.Bews,D.Laughton.Drummer E.Gibson,Pipers W.Hutchison,W.Harcus.
Front Row.-Pipers D.Gorn,J.Annal,President C.MacGregor,Drum Major J.A.Forsyth,Drummer R.A.Leitch, Pipers J.Cumming A.Sinclair.
Added by Grant Leonard on 02 March 2010
Not sure if this is my grandfather or my dad's grandfather. My dad is James William Annal who passed away on the 29-02-12 and was buried today.

[Sorry to hear of your loss Reg - best wishes, Steven]
Added by Reginald Alister Annal on 09 March 2012
Having known your late father James William Annal (not terribly well) and his father William Annal (better known as Bill) who was my next door neighbour at one time (in the 1950's) I am quite sure that the gentleman in this photo must be your Great Grandfather.
I too send you my deepest sympathy at this time.
Added by Peter Burges on 10 March 2012
I am very grateful to you Peter for the info the last time I visited Orkney. I was about six and it is about time I came to visit again as I am now fifty six. My dad came back a few years ago for my auntie Margaret's funeral. Take care - Reg Annal
Added by Reginald alister annal on 10 March 2012
How do I send a photo of James William Annal R.S.M (RAOC) to this site thank you? Reg Annal.

[If it has been scanned, just click 'Add a photo' on the Image Library home page - Steven]

Added by Reginald Alister Annal on 10 March 2012
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