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Papdale Primary P1, 1978 or 1979
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Papdale Primary P1, 1978 or 1979

Noreen writes:
'It was many moons ago .. I think either 1978 or 79. Unfortunately I did not write the date on the back.

I think the teacher is Miss Heddle.

On the first row from the right:-

1st from right - Fiona Drever ?? just guessing
2nd from right - Anna Mainland
3rd from right - Alison Croy
4th from right - Susan Bremner ?? (not sure about that one)
5th from right - Fiona Wishart

On the second row from the right :-

1st from right - Alison Drever
2nd from right - Alison Dixon
4th from right - Suzannah Wake

Back row:-

6th from right - John Gourlay'

Who are the other people?
Picture added on 18 April 2005
Back row left to right: Kerry Fotheringham, Peter Abernethy, Jon Gourlay, Kevin Watters, Brendan Dunne, Mark Skea, James Sutherland, John Bews

Middle row left to right: Gary Clanachan, Billy Hourston, Suzanna Wake, Emma Moar, Alison Dixon, Alison Flett

Front row: Mrs Moar, Heather Rendall, Fiona Wishart, Susan Bremner, Alison Croy, Anna Mainland, Fiona Drever

This was primary one!
Added by alison croy on 18 April 2005
Must be 1980. Kevin Watters started school in 1980
Added by W Watters on 17 July 2005
Only found out about this picture being on this site today (12/01/07). Fantastic! great reminder of my first year at school.
Added by Fiona Drever on 12 January 2007
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