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Christmas lights on Sunnybank Road
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Christmas lights on Sunnybank Road

Andy and Sandra Newlands house on Sunnybank Road, just outside Kirkwall.

There are three houses in a row decorated and they have a collection box for donations to the Macmillian Fund.

Well worth a visit with the kids, and dont forget to pop a donation in the box for a very worthwhile cause.
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Picture added on 22 December 2007
I wish people would get the proper address It is Sunnybrae Road and has been for years
Anonymous comment added on 06 December 2011
Ordnance Survey, Stagecoach timetable, and myself have it as SUNNYBANK Road.
Added by Sandy Windwick on 07 December 2011

[No need to shout! - Steven]
Anonymous comment added on 08 December 2011
I really think that Anonymous comments should be sent to the bin. If they don't have the nerve to be identified the comment is not valid.

Added by Willie Watters on 08 December 2011
Google maps is not convinced by the change either.
Added by Jim Eunson on 09 December 2011
While not going so far as to say anonymous comments are automatically invalid (I'm guilty of pepetrating one or two myself) I support Mr Watters' suggestion that henceforth they be binned. In your Introduction to this site, Steven, you more or less say that's what'll happen to them; I'd be happy if you made it a general rule.
Added by Ian Hourston on 09 December 2011
"Sunnybank Road" works on Google Earth, but not "Sunnybrae Road". There is a property on Sunnybank Road called Sunnybrae.
Happy Christmas everyone, including anonymous.
Added by Sandy Windwick on 09 December 2011
I agree with Willie,easy to say your piece when nobody knows who you are..
Added by Chris Shearer on 09 December 2011
Sorry for perpetrating 'pepetrating' above.
Added by Ian Hourston on 09 December 2011
A good test would be for as many people as possible to send a tenner or so in an envelope to me at Veniver, Sunnybank Road KW15 1TP and the next day send the same again but put Veniver, Sunnybrae KW15 1TP on the address. If it works well I'll post the result and some photos of the Bahamas soon.
Added by Tommy Kirkpatrick on 09 December 2011
Good lord boys if it wisna for anonymous comments we wid be listen tae the same twa three commentators the whole time !!!! LOL and a merry christmas tae aal the grumpy old men (mesel included)
Anonymous comment added on 09 December 2011
OIC's list of public roads with names, end locations and lengths - click here
Added by Dave Smith on 10 December 2011
Well maybe the brae up by where the house called "Cassie" used to be was Sunnybrae Road and the top road to the left Sunnybank, but I really don't know as I grew up on the hill above Longhope Village or was it South Walls? Not the East End or Hackness (Heckness) anyway maybe it was Vagaland, never heard that until John mentioned it but I know where I will end up some day if I have my way "Ousna" oops it's Osmond Walls Cemetery - blast hope the family get it right!:-)
But anyway it's a nice photo of lovely house lights raising money for a good cause and the abrupt comment from anonymous was a shame as it spoilt the post.
Added by Beryl Simpson on 11 December 2011
Re.reference to anonymous contributions, I read the intro as messages sent anonymously to 'Orkney Image library', not to messages from a known source, to be published anonymously.

(I believe that with non-complimentary contributions, the author should have the courage to be identified).
Am I anonymous signing as below?

[Jim highlights my quandary. Some people identify themselves, but in a way that is as good as being anonymous. Some of those with nom de plumes I actually know. Some of the picture contributors wish to remain anonymous, and I'm happy to respect that. But it's not a new quandary, and I think the light handed approach used so far works reasonably well. A lot of the anonymous comments never make it into public believe me, and the ones I allow are either ones I think are non-contentious, or legitimately make or balance a point. But if anyone wants a comment removed, I'll do it at the drop of a hat - cheers, Steven]

Added by Jim G. on 14 December 2011
This is a very DEMOCRATIC (shouting) site. I am sure we will all get along fine, anonymous or otherwise. As Beryl says, "But anyway it's a nice photo of lovely house lights raising money for a good cause." At the end of the day the photo is the main thing. The comments: Well, that's an extra - a privilege. So, let us respect each other's opinions (grudgingly) and enjoy this marvellous site.
Added by Sandy Windwick on 14 December 2011
Hi folks. I normally post on the Avoch Archive but came across this site and love your photos. I thought I might mention that a couple of times I have accidently posted photos or comments on the Avoch Archive without my name by forgetting to tick the little box that identifies the contributor. It is possible to not mean to be anonymous. Merry Christmas to you all.
Added by Ann Duggan on 15 December 2011
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