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PC Flett's Plum Jam
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PC Flett's Plum Jam

For your website if you wish - it has been on my desk for years

In return -any idea of family of P C Flett - the only Flett relation tha it it could have reached us through is a David Flett who may have been b 1864 in Orkney, and who definately married in 1902 in Caithness to Catherine Waters.

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Picture added on 10 December 2007
I am a policeman in England. When I had first joined the service, my Sergeant used to call me "Strawberry Jam". I had no idea what he was on about. He used to smile and say "PC Flett, Strawberry Jam". When I was promoted to Sergeant, he gave me a promotion present. A jar with the label "PC Flett, Strawberry Jam". Although I am a Flett, from Orkney, I can find no links to this family.
Added by Stuart Flett on 11 December 2007
P.c. Flett was a hardware store plus a lemonade factory where the Peppermill now stands. My mother and aunty used to make the lemonade in the 50's but never saw jam being made?
Added by Lewis Munro on 12 December 2007
I bought a complete set of jars with different jam labels on them at an antique fair. We have spoken to Orkney relatives and can find no evidence at all that PC Flett actually made jam!! It is possible they had labels printed and sometime with the plan to make and sell jam, but never did. Someone is now making money out of these labels!!!
Anonymous comment added on 12 December 2007
My husband worked in nova scotia at construction 36 yrs ago and came across a jar with the name fletts are pure jams on the bottom of the jar. I've often wonder where it came from. Its in great condition- any information would be appreciated.
Added by Pat Grandy on 08 June 2009
Hi - we are interested in PC Flett 'Ginger Stout' - does anyone know if this was an alcoholic drink as we have a micro brewery in Manchester and are looking to make one
Added by John Macklin on 02 January 2011
Whilst digging in the garden of our home in Wem, Shropshire recently, we dug up some pieces of a broken cream-coloured jar & on the base it says FLETT'S JAMS ARE PURE. Sounds like the one mentioned above.
Added by Sue Holland on 20 February 2011
Peter Copland Flett (1877-1960) was my husband's uncle. He was born and brought up in Kirkwall and in later years served as Provost of the cathedral during the secomd world war and was awarded an OBE for his services. He is buried in the SE corner of the churchyard in a family grave with his parents: James Fergusson Flett and Mary Ann Copland. There is a memorial plaque in his memory inside the cathedral. He kept a small family Ironmonger store in Albert Street kirkwall which he inherited from his mother's family. He was a brother of my husband's grandfather, Sir John Smith Flett (1869-1947) who came to London as head of the Geological Survey and Museum where a lecture theatre is named after him. My husband remember's Uncle Peter's shop and the shed in the back yard where he made lemonade so I am sure all the jams and drinks were either made by him or locally.
Added by Ann Flett on 11 January 2012
I have a similar jam jar with apple & bramble jam label
Added by Linda Ritchie (Flett) on 08 October 2012
There are large numbers of theses labels around in pristine condition. Hundreds have been stuck on stoneware jam jars but which would never had borne the Flett's label. The sellers are careful not to say that the label and the jar are an original match but buyers tend to assume they are.
Added by Denis Ayers on 13 November 2012
my late father was employed by Fletts, as a young man,in the late 1920s as a representative selling Jams & Preserves from their Liverpool office. Did Fletts have a base in Hartleypool
Added by Andrew Horner on 17 January 2013
I'm not sure about the status of Fletts in Liverpool but I have a stoneware jar with a slogan impressed on the base "Fletts Jams Are Pure". In style it is identical to the fluted Hartley jam jars which were produced up until about 1928 and was probably made for them at one of Hartley's Lancashire potteries.
Added by Denis Ayers on 20 January 2013
I am a PCso for Lancashire Constabulary and have been for 7 years. I have a collection of PC Flett jars in different sizes (all say apple and plum jam) and would like to collect further. I am wondering about any other products they may of made.
Added by Catherine Flett on 28 February 2013
[Eight years on, and first time I have looked back on this. All very interesting, but doesn't help me find my David Flett !
Anonymous comment added on 18 November 2015
According to your David Flett's marriage certificate, his parents were David Flett and Jessie Steven. I found his birth on www.familysearch.org which is a free site. He was born 9th January 1874 in Wick. The 1881 census shows that the entire family were all born in Wick (Landward). The family comprised David age 39, a cooper, Jessie age 32, David age 7, James age 5, Henry age 3 and Jessie age 10 months. Also on the same page but in different households were James Flett living alone, age 74, unmarried and another David Flett, a farmer, age 64, along with his wife Diana, age 62. If there was an Orkney connection you might have to go back a generation or two.
Added by Cathleen Spence on 02 December 2015
Hi I have come across a tin in the shape of a drum with PC Flett Apple and Gooseberry Jam label on top with 1501 on sides .
It has strings on sides to look maybe like an old drum .
Any info ?
Added by Simon Raine on 17 June 2021
Don't know if my husband's a relative but he's Michael Donald Flett
Added by Lesley Flett on 28 June 2024
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