The Orkney Image Library
No: 624 Contributor: Ross Flett Year: 2000
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Ross writes:
'The attached picture is of the Enterprise that for a while lay in Kirkwall Basin and then the harbour at Stromness where she was used as a by her owner Neil Mckie for sailing trips in the Flow. The photograph was taken at the Irvine Boat Museum where she was berthed. I am not sure if she is still in Irvine.'
Date is an estimate.
Picture added on 01 March 2005
Yes, she is still in Irvine - if you are interested, there is now a short documentary about her and her history. Contact myself or my father (Neil McKie) for details.
Added by Lauren McKie on 26 March 2005
The vessel astern of her is the Zenobia ex Hoy Head that ran on the South Isles service for many years
Anonymous comment added on 06 April 2005
The Enterprise is for sale on ebay item number 130558696731
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Added by Morgan Rendall on 06 August 2011