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Smal boats messing about in the harbour.
Picture added on 09 November 2007
I think the boat in the middle ground with the three tyres mught be the Otter before my father, Douglas Robertson) extended the deck and put on a wheelhouse. Same bow, carvel construction etc. He bought it in 1958 or 59.
Added by Sheena Taylor on 27 March 2008
Sheena!,I think the boat in the middle was the"Nellie" belonging to Jeck Bews. She was a Lifeboat off a German ship in Scapa Flow. The Otter at this time was on a cradle inside Maxwell's Boat Yard on Burnmouth Road where she was built.
I see the" Barabel" alongside the Corn Slip, I sailed on her for 5yrs.,up to 1955. The white motorboat nearest the Kirkwall Hotel belonged to Macdonald the Chiropodist,and the motorboat nearest,belonged to Andy Keldie.
This must have been a Kirkwall Regatta day as there is a couple of Snipes and a Merlin Rocket in the water, another being launched at the end of Slip and quite a gathering of people.
P.S. The "Nellie" belongs to Johnie Meil who converted her back to steam power and is still going strong.
Added by Phil Brough.
I see the" Barabel" alongside the Corn Slip, I sailed on her for 5yrs.,up to 1955. The white motorboat nearest the Kirkwall Hotel belonged to Macdonald the Chiropodist,and the motorboat nearest,belonged to Andy Keldie.
This must have been a Kirkwall Regatta day as there is a couple of Snipes and a Merlin Rocket in the water, another being launched at the end of Slip and quite a gathering of people.
P.S. The "Nellie" belongs to Johnie Meil who converted her back to steam power and is still going strong.
Added by Phil Brough.
Added by Phil Brough on 29 August 2009
Thanks for that information about all the boats, Phil. The Otter wass indeed in Maxwell's shed, when my father bought her in 1958 or '59. I didn't know she had been there for some time. I think Maxwell may have been retiring then or selling up. Perhaps you will know if that is right.
Added by Sheena Taylor (nee Robertson) on 31 August 2009
Yes!S heena,Mr.Maxwell was selling up about that time. He had been retired for some time,his big shed was an Alladin's cave of boats and memorabilia with the Otter in pride of place. I lived close by at 4 Ayre Houses on the Burnmouth Road end. I had the pleasure of being allowed in when I was a young boy in the Fifties. Maxwell's Boatyard built many fine launches and the"Otter" was among them. I remember your father Dougie taking her out of the shed when he bought her. John Scarth Engineering bought the yard and shed. When your Father sold the "Otter" on to the Royal Bank she became internationally famous as the"Otter Bank" and the rest is history.I believe she has returned to Orkney. Added by Phil Brough.
Added by Phil Brough on 02 September 2009
Yes, she is back in Orkney, but has been lying two winters uncovered at the compound at the Hatson slip. The beautiful pine and iroko striped deck has been covered with a polystyrene deck and a 'hen house' has been added behind the wheelhouse added in 1959. A well! I hope she will be taken indoors some time soon, or there will be nothing left to display er long. I know the group which owns her is trying to achieve that.
I knew the Falconers (John and Zena) who lived in the houses you speak of. Where were they in relation to your house?
I knew the Falconers (John and Zena) who lived in the houses you speak of. Where were they in relation to your house?
Added by Sheena Taylor (Robertson) on 04 September 2009
Yes!Sheena,the Falconers lived next door to us at 3 Ayre Houses. Thanks for letting me know the "Otter" is in the compound at Hatston Slip, as I usually drive past it every day. I must stop and have at her. Thanks again. Phil Brough.
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Added by Phil Brough on 07 September 2009