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Last tour of Phoenix
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Last tour of Phoenix

Kenny writes:
'In 2001 I was given the task of conducting the very last official group visit to The Phoenix Cinema prior to fixtures and fittings being sold off by auction. Pictured in the cinema projection room are members of the 1st Kirkwall Company Boys Brigade along with myself. Left to right - Raymond Shearer; Gary Sinclair; Sweyn Kirkness; Mark Brodie; Graeme Leask; Gavin Leask and Kenny Thomson. The photo was taken by Richard Shearer.'

Picture added on 22 December 2004
I had the job of disconnecting the electricity in the Phoenix a few days before it was demolished. Being in there on my own brought back so many memories of films and bands seen there in my youth.
Added by Ian Tait on 25 March 2008
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