Orkney Image Library

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Premiere at Phoenix
The Orkney Image Library

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Premiere at Phoenix

Kenny writes:
'This picture was taken in 1957 at the first showing of the short film 'Life In The Orkneys'. Pictured left to right - D. B. Peace Jnr. who owned the cinema; P Sutherland Graeme Lord Lieutenant; ?; Stanley Cursiter; Jim Turfus; Douglas Wood County Clerk; Tommy Shearer; Alex Doloughan; and R. L. Johnson.'
Picture added on 14 December 2004
The name Doloughan attracted me to your site
Added by Clive Doloughan on 09 February 2005
Well that is interesting. Just watched that movie today, right here:


From the Scottish Screen Archive
Added by Tim Clarke on 08 September 2011
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