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Thia is a snap off the late Willie Marwick, Kirkwall, and formerly off Rousay. Would anyone have the remotest idea what he is up to?.Date is a guess.
Picture added on 26 September 2007
Looks like he is resting his foot on a Bell & Howell Rural Cinema Projector. Perhaps he thinks he is Geordie from the film of that name, from around about that time.
Added by Ian Cameron, Ex. Orkney Rural Cinema Operator on 26 September 2007
Waiting for the boot cleaner?
Added by S Taylor. on 26 September 2007
With just a hint of underpants.
Added by Gordie Peterson on 27 September 2007
"Geordie" was one of my favourite films when I was small and I saw it at the rural cinema in the YM in Longhope. I think it was also shown on the very last night of the films being shown there. Everyone had a certain seat that they sat on and Mrs Caithness from down in the village sat in front of us, the old YM was never very warm so she took a hot water bottle with her which you could hear swiltering about as she sat down.
Anonymous comment added on 27 September 2007
Ok, so is that a skirt he is wearing? Is he modelling something he made using his sewing machine? Was he a tailor? Would be great to work out exactly who he is. If anyone knows please let me know...interested in William Marwicks (ancestors)
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Added by Cindy Smith (australia) on 06 October 2007