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Albert Street
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Albert Street

Post card of Albert Street showing the big tree and British Linen Bank. Who can identify the models of the cars in the photo?

[Answer- Paul Sutherland!]
Picture added on 26 September 2007
Hmm, not sure about that. I'll leave the vans and lorry to someone with better knowledge and eyesight than me. I'd say the car on the left was an Austin A40 Somerset, while on the right is a Wolseley with the distinctive illuminated badge on the radiator grill, perhaps a 6/90 or the smaller but similar 4/40? The bootlid on the far right looks very familiar. It'll maybe come back to me. Or perhaps Messrs Tullock or Shearer should have a go!
Added by Paul Sutherland on 26 September 2007
The boot could be a Hillman Minx used by Mr. McLeod manager of the Bank of Scotland
Added by William P Drever on 25 August 2012
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