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Shore Street
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Shore Street

Pier Head Kirkwall. Notice the sweet shop between what is now Focus on Orkney and the Shore. Also the man with one leg standing at the end of Bridge Street. Any idea of who he was?.
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Picture added on 16 September 2007
I remember in the 1960s, a small grocers shop in the premises between what is now 'Focus on Orkney' and the 'Queens Hotel.' It was owned by Bill Muir and his sister Ann. Ann ran that shop and Bill ran a greengrocers shop in the premises now occupied by D & H Glue in Albert Street.
Added by Rob Thomson on 17 September 2007
Great photo. The old cobble paving on the road. I never knew there was once a terraced veranda above the groceries shop. Will be interesting to here coments on this.
Added by Barbara on 17 September 2007
The man at the end of Bridge St with one leg was J Craigie
He lived at the corner of St Catherines Place and Cromwell Rd
called the back walk
Added by J W on 19 October 2007
Rob, I also remember the two shops run by the Muirs. Jessie Ann Muir used to own a small field where Cromwell Court is now. She kept hens on it and sold the eggs in the shop. She also grew masses of daffodils in the field which she also sold. Beautiful blooms they were too, and no wonder!
Added by Rob Miller on 03 March 2009
Can anyone tell me if the Jessie Ann Muir stayed in St Catherines Place?? My Granny was Jessie Ann Muir who married Herbet Sutherland, just wondering if this shop was indeed owned by my Granny
Added by Ann Sutherland on 26 June 2014
Can't be sure Ann. She certainly lived close to the field she owned. I seem to remember believing that she either lived in St Catherines Place or the houses in Cromwell Road opposite the top of Dunkirk.
Added by Rob Miller on 03 July 2014
The Jessie Ann Muir of the shop on Shore street never married. With her brother Bill they also had a Market garden with 2 fairly large green houses and some cultivated plots beside the area Rob Miller remembers the daffodils in Tomatoes and other veg in season supplied the Albert Street shop - none of your Air-miles veg in those days! Though some came in wooden boxes or baskets from Guernsey, Holland & the Canaries by sea.
Added by Willie Mackay on 06 July 2014
Jessie Ann lived at 7 Cromwell Road
Added by Tommy Kirkpatrick on 14 July 2014
Bill Muir's shop was next to 'Peedie Charlies' where DH Glue used to be and sold both groceries and greengroceries. I remember Jessie Ann sold sweeties and the dockers also used to go there for cigarettes and tobacco.
Added by Fred Grieve on 15 July 2014
I have vague childhood memories of going along to a shop on Shore Street when visiting my grandmother (Violet) with my mother (Vivian), which was referred to as "Jo's". I wonder if this is the same shop.
Added by Lyn Calder on 15 July 2014
Muirs had shops on both Shore St and Albert St
Added by David Partner on 18 November 2015
The shop most likely referred to by Lyn Calder was possibly Ritchies shop between the Queens(Shore)Hotel and the Oil Depot. I believe there was once a "Saddlery" either at that shop or nearby operated by the Garrioch Family either grandfather or great grandfather of John & Willie Garrioch.
Added by Willie Mackay on 03 December 2015
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