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Engineers building the Phoenix projectors
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Engineers building the Phoenix projectors

Kenny writes:
'Engineers building the BTH Projectors. (1955) These projectors were originally installed in The Temperence Hall in 1951 which was deputising for The Albert Kinema which had been destroyed by fire in 1947. The British Thomson Houston Projectors were such robust and reliable machines that they only ever had one major breakdown in their 48 years of operating.'

I believe I am correct in saying that the Temperance Hall is the modern day Kirkwall Arts Theatre.
Picture added on 07 December 2004
Dougie Shearer occasionally let me watch a film from the projector room. I used to sit beside these machines with a single ear phone to listen to the film. I can't remember the name of the projectionist in the early 1960's but he lived in Laverock Road.
Added by Ian Finlayson on 20 May 2022
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