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Town Hall to foot of Palace Road
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Town Hall to foot of Palace Road

In June 1984 as ever the parking at Spences is hard to find when the papers have come in. Or maybe there is a three for two offer on home brew kits at RA Finns (formerly Jolly's chip shop for the other old timers out there- remember the round diner style seats at the windows?), which explains why I always seem to have a one year out of date brew kit in the house.
Picture added on 26 November 2004
Thistle has since been removed from the Town Hall and is awaiting replacement. Thistle was removed when it was discovered that it was in danger of falling from the apex of the roof.
Added by Ross Flett on 26 November 2004
Oh My God. Jolly's Chip Shop.

Wasn't there an older and better one on Back Road?

Added by Gillies Buchan on 30 November 2004
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