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Rear view of Costie's Pavilion, Kirkwall. Taken one snowy January evening around 4.30 pm.

Picture added on 02 September 2007
I miss the bon bons
Added by Beryl Simpson on 03 September 2007
Soor plooms for me!
Added by Alison Ritchie on 04 September 2007
Was this picture taken out of the back window of your van, Alan?
Added by Steven Heddle on 04 September 2007
Brings back loads of good memories
Added by Vince on 04 September 2007
I miss it too, but I dont miss working there!
Added by Anne Brough on 04 September 2007
3 old pence for a single Regent fag from the then owner Jim Spence, another 6 pence (a tanner )for a game of snooker, another fag after the game and that was the end of your shilling ( a bob).
All that for the equivalent of todays 5p.
Who said we didn't know how to "enjoy" ourselves?
All that for the equivalent of todays 5p.
Who said we didn't know how to "enjoy" ourselves?
Added by David Tullock on 05 September 2007
Many years of "mis-spent youth" spent there by myself as I lived so near at the end of Victoria Street. When young used to get paid in ice creams by parents to look after their babies in prams and young children whilst they played tennis. Later taught how to play snooker and billiards by the regulars and I did many pencil sketches and paintings of the folk who were regulars there - all sketches and paintings now lost more's the pity. The snooker chalk was used as eye shadow by us teenage girls as we couldn't afford to buy the real thing. Many happy memories of Costies.
Added by Marion Mcleod on 05 September 2007
Many a sunday afternoon spent playing snooker there, during my mis-spent youth
Added by Martin Wares on 22 June 2008
The oyster icecreams were fab what happened to the rendel family that owned it in 1988
Added by Samantha Dodge was Thompson on 01 December 2011
Anonymous comment added on 01 December 2011
Spelling mistake, sorry didn't want to offend people . I am looking for Stuart Rendall, he was a good friend of mine.
Added by Samantha Dodge was Thompson on 08 December 2011
Happy memories of going to Costies on a Sunday afternoon for crisps, sweeties and juice it was the only place open up the town on a Sunday at the time!(1970s)
Added by Elaine Sutherland (Allen) on 08 March 2012
Elaine, I think that both Crawfords cafe down at the corner of Bridge Street and the Central Cafe in Albert Street were open on Sundays as well.
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Added by Alastair on 10 March 2012
I miss 50p worth of winegums!