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Old lighthouse keepers houses on Helliar Holm
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Old lighthouse keepers houses on Helliar Holm

I think they were sold off by the Northern Lighthouse Board.

Does anyone have any ideas who owns them now?

They used to be painted but are now open to the elements with the top door and a lot of the windows open and broken.

Picture added on 10 August 2007
Memories more memories. I lived here from 1964-1968, Dad Donald Shearer was assistant lighthouse keeper, Jack Ross Decd was Principal Lighthouse keeper. There is still a link - try Gary Nicholson at Balfour village because his family manned the light after we left and it went automatic. I think he still looks after it now. What an experience it was, being brought up in such surroundings. I think the house was bought by a lady in London many years ago, but she never did anything with them. I was last over on Helliar Holm about 5 years ago to show my daughter Lizzie where i was born. Gary took me, Lizzie and my dad over. We got a look inside the houses, but they are in a dangerous state. Most things, bath, sink etc have been stolen and the floors have fallen through, so it was a sad trip, expecially for dad.
Added by Jane Alexander on 12 January 2008
Interesting to hear from you. I have some more photos I took that day, I will post them up soon for you to see. We looked inside and some of the floors were rotten through, did not look to safe at all.
Added by Craig Taylor on 14 January 2008
Once was sent to Shap to put a phone into a house called 'Helliar Holm' in Shapinsay! Got there and was a bit suspicious as the contact address was in London . Asked at the PO where the house was thinking somebody might have called a new house Helier Holm but was told " Na, somebody has bought the lighthouse houses".They had then rung up telephone sales to get the phone put in and were told, no bother. Apparently there was a phone there when the light was manned but that was a long while ago. They never got a phone and I don't think they ever came up again.
Added by William Watters on 14 January 2008
Another look at this pic shows there was a phone in this building. You can still see the remains of a corner bracket and a pair of insulators.
Added by William Watters on 15 January 2008
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