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Vintage Tractor
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Vintage Tractor

This old Fordson tractor was up at Hatston for sandblasting prior to restoration. I wonder if it will be at this year's rally?
Picture added on 05 August 2007
En route to Birsay for restoration by Kenny Irvine. Now owned by Stevie Ross.
Anonymous comment added on 29 August 2007
Served my apprenticship on them in Dunnets garage in Thurso {started 1958}. Restored a few while working with Omands Garage in the 80s-
be glad to answer any queries
Added by Kelly on 03 April 2008
Is the Kenny Irvine who restored this vehicle, the same Kenny Irvine who used to be a BT engineer in 1975? He was from Birsay.
Added by Pat Bloczynski on 13 June 2010
He is still a BT engineer and still lives in Birsay.
Anonymous comment added on 14 June 2010
Fair bit of work needed, usual parts required steering wheel , seat, wings, air filter etc.
Added by Kelly on 14 June 2010
Well wish him all the best, I hope he is well!
Added by Pat Bloczynski on 14 June 2010
You never answered my question by the way, is it the same Kenny Irvine who restored the Vintage Tractor in the picture?
Added by Pat Bloczynski on 14 June 2010
I will ask him tonight
Added by W Watters on 16 June 2010
Yes it's the same Kenny, I have a photo of the restored tractor somewhere.
Added by Grant Leonard. on 16 June 2010
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