Orkney Image Library

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Orcargo's ship, The Contender. This was a good service.
Picture added on 05 August 2007
The Contender used to run between Invergordon and Kirkwall I used to work at the Invergordon Base for 4 years it was a good time
Added by John Chalmers on 28 October 2015
We travelled to Kirkwall and back a few times on The Contender, B&B and Evening meal... never forget the delicious New York Cheesecake served as desert. Or the time I was seasick going through the Pentland Firth.
Added by Sandra Carr on 13 July 2016
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Fire escape on hostel C blockSmall turret in the Earl’s Palace gardensLimeade from R.Garden's lemonade factoryThe Haven, BrimsHighland Park Distillery Visitor CentreHighland Park presentationHighland Park Distillery RetiralHighland Park Distillery TeamHighland Park still maintenanceHighland Park Retiral