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The Ba
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The Ba

Dougie Cooper throws up a Ba', watched by John Robertson.
The date is a wild guess. More details appreciated i.e.
correct date - Men's or Boy's - who won it - who is the youngster?????
Picture added on 08 July 2007
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The Ba
Try Mens New Years Day Ba 1969, won by Andy Rendall for the DOONIES.
Added by Peter Burges on 16 July 2007
I did say the date was a wild guess. Thanks Peter.
Added by Sandy on 17 July 2007
That's a picture you'll never see in Orkney Today.
Added by Whassigo on 20 July 2007
Youngster - at a guess one of John Roberston's sons.
Added by Raymond Grieve on 19 November 2007
Was it not Jock Robertson as John doesn't ring a bell?! (sorry if I'm wrong)
Added by Barbara on 20 November 2007
Barbara - It is John Robertson, your thinking of his nickname "Jock Feet". Name can be confirmed by looking at a copy of Uppies & Doonies, written by John Robertson.
Added by Raymond Grieve on 22 November 2007
Re the wee boy: In a comment on this photo published in ORKNEY PAST & PRESENT (Facebook) 21/6/2013, Donald, Sinclair, McPherson, Robertson states, "It looks like my brother, John. He would be 8 then.
Added by Sandy on 22 June 2013
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