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John Rae's tomb
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John Rae's tomb

Tomb of Arctic explorer, John Rae... right up the back of the Cathedral.

I've always loved this, ever since I was a wee girl.
Picture added on 29 June 2007
A pedant writes : This isn't actually Rae's tomb it's a memorial. He's buried in the cathedral graveyard along the wall backing onto Coplands Lane.
Added by Whassigo on 02 July 2007
Thanks, pedant... I stand corrected!
Added by Alison Ritchie on 02 July 2007
This is fabulous! I love it. :-D
Added by Margot Plummer on 18 August 2008
When I was a bairn, I used to wonder what this man was doing sleeping up the back of the cathedral! *blush*
Added by Alison Ritchie on 20 August 2008
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