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Mystery picture
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Mystery picture

Anyone like to guess where this was taken?
Picture added on 19 April 2007
This picture is in the following groups
Mystery places or things or people
Is it above the archway at the foot of the Strynd?
Added by Steven Heddle on 20 April 2007
is it the strynd craig?
Added by Jim Delday on 20 April 2007
When I was a peedie boy we lived in School Place and I used to go down the Strynd to where this photo was taken to get my schoolbag mended at Harrisons the cobblers if the strap broke. Old man Harrison never took any money - he was a great old guy with glasses with extremely thick lenses. Ah those were the days ..... nurse where's my cocoa ?
Added by Whassigo on 22 April 2007
correct...I will try a more difficult one next time!
Anonymous comment added on 22 April 2007
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