The Orkney Image Library
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does anyone of you hold the copyright for this picture or has another one which is of better quality?
Thank you very much for your support.
Friederike Bartels, Rostock, Germany
Picture added on 22 August 2017 at 00:20
It happened the day before I was born.
Added by Keith Dempsey on 23 September 2017
It was rumoured she was carrying nuclear material from Cuba.
Added by W Watters on 12 October 2017
Sie hatten Zucker an Bord.Mein Vater war mit an Bord, das war die einzigste Fahrt an der die Ehefrauen der Matrosen mitfahren durften.
[They had sugar on board. My father was on board, it was the only trip where the sailors' wives were allowed to go.]
[They had sugar on board. My father was on board, it was the only trip where the sailors' wives were allowed to go.]
Added by S,Schmiedl on 21 April 2024
We, a publisher in North Germany, would like to use an image of this ship for a book cover.
Please let me know if you can help, and then we could talk about details and conditions. Thank you!
Best wishes
Friederike Bartels