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Provost Slater of Kirkwall, on the right, outside St. Magnus Cathedral during a visit of the Norse Association of Bergen, 16th July 1928
[This picture has provoked my interest, as the chains, but not the badge, look identical to the ones that hung round my neck sporadically over the last 5 years... but those chains were thought to be new from about the time the OIC started c. 1975. So where is the badge, and are these the same chains?- Steven]

Picture added on 23 May 2017 at 09:36
The chain in the picture was presented to Kirkwall by Sir Arthur Bignold, Unionist M.P. for the Northern Burghs (Kirkwall, Wick, Dingwall, Tain, Cromarty and Dornoch) from 1900 to 1910. Sometime after the Second World War it was replaced by one designed by Stanley Cursiter, which used to be on display with the Provost's ermine robes in the foyer of the O.I.C. offices. I notice from picture #25817 that in 1960 it was around the neck of Bailie Edwin Eunson, and that the other Bailie also had a chain of office (I wonder what became of it).
Added by Paul Sutherland on 24 May 2017