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Mystery regatta trophy winners
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Mystery regatta trophy winners

This picture came from the Orkney Archives, taken by Wilfie Marr quite a few years back. I'm guessing these folk are trophy winners from Kirkwall Regatta but I have no idea who is here or when.

[Date guessed- Steven]
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Picture added on 31 December 2016 at 22:16
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Mystery places or things or people
I suspect that's the crew of the Barabel that used to be moored in Kirkwall basin for years when I was a boy.

L to R: Archie(?) Laughton, unknown, Phil Brough, John Laughton.
Added by Fred Grieve on 01 January 2017
The chap sitting with arms crossed is Archie Laughton and at the other end of the table is his brother (cant remember his name ).Don't know the chap in the white jersey but standing next to him is a young Phil Brough the painter. They would have been sailing the yacht Barabel.
Added by Peter Thomson on 02 January 2017
Is the gentleman sitting on the right John Laughton? He lived in Berstane Road.
Added by Rognvald Spence on 06 January 2017
The man in the white jersey was Arthur Finlayson lived in Thom St.
Added by Jim Marwick on 09 January 2017
OMG The guy in the white jersey was my grandfather
Added by Norma Hurst on 15 August 2020
The man in the white jumper is Arthur Finlayson, my great grandfather. I believe winning the Orkney Cup. He lived at 9 Thom Street.
Added by Jason Blakey on 12 September 2021
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