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Ballet dancers
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Ballet dancers

Who are all these ballet dancers in Kirkwall approx 1947? My mum is Kristine Jolly, second from the left.
Picture added on 23 August 2013 at 17:32
That looks like Elizabeth Chalmers in front, third from the right. Fourth from the left looks very familiar but the old memory isn't con-operating!!
Added by Freda Jackson on 23 August 2013
Well, I can answer this one. I remember it well.
Florrie Tait's dancing classes were held in the loft of Groundwater's Bakery all those years ago.
Back row, left to right:Christine Jolly, Eunice Sinclair,Wendy Garden, Elizabeth Dickson.
Front row, left to right,: Inga Swanney,Ruth Donaldson, Alice Muir, Elizabeth Chalmers and myself--Myra Groundwater.
Those were the days!!
Anonymous comment added on 25 August 2013
back row 3rd left Eunice Sinclair
Front row 1st left ruth donaldson
2nd left ? Muir? 3rd left Liz Chalmers
Added by Jack Harcus on 26 August 2013
3rd from left Ruth(?)Donaldson, extreme right ? Groundwater and 3rd from the right Elizabeth Chalmers.
Added by M M Kemp on 26 August 2013
c jolly, eunice sinclair, wendygardens----turfus front??? ruthdonaldson??? elizabeth chalmers myra groundwater
Added by S Reid on 29 August 2013
Those were the days---dance, dance, dance.
Young pupils of Florrie Tait's Dancing School in The Doll Dance-if I remember correctly.
Back row, L to R, Inga Swanney, Kristine Jolly,Eunice Sinclair, Wendy Garden, Elizabeth Dickson.
Front row, L to R, Ruth Donaldson(Kemp), Alice Muir(Yeats), Elizabeth Chalmers(?), Myra Groundwater(Shearer).
Added by Myra Shearer. on 30 August 2013
I think I recognise Inga Swanney, Ruth Donaldson, Eunice Sinclair (??), Elizabeth Chalmers and Myra Groundwater. Feel I should know the others!
Added by Bertha Fiddler on 30 August 2013
That looks like Elizabeth Chalmers, third from the right. Third and Fourth from left look very familiar but I cannot place the names!
Added by Freda Jackson on 02 September 2013
Happy days
Doll dance
Added by Elizabeth Ferris ( nee Dickson) on 06 July 2021
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