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Animal magic
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Animal magic

Sorry. Couldn't resist it.
Picture added on 20 March 2013 at 19:55
How do you like that, moonwalking pony!

Added by Al Hine on 20 March 2013
Are you sure that Photofiltre had nothing to do with the lamb jumping? The inset makes me suspicious!
Added by Anonymous on 24 March 2013
Can't speak for the original, but it looked kosher to me. Photofiltre had everything to do with my version of it.
Added by Guess who on 27 March 2013
I was not being serious, but gone are the days that 'the camera never lies'.
Added by Anonymous on 01 April 2013
do Orkney sheep fly?
Added by Nancy Gemmell on 18 May 2013
Of course, Nancy, and they speak too.
Anonymous comment added on 21 May 2013
Sure do - only BA BA BA, none of your Virgin stuff here !!!!
Added by Anonymous on 22 May 2013
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Stromness PierKirkwall Harbour 2 of 5London Zoo seal-acquisition project #7Derelict cottage on FlottaPartially stooked field 1965Grant's Shop, St Catherine's PlaceOutside Astley Cottage, ShapinsayDisney Magic leaving Rough seas returning from ShapinsaySolan jacket towed by Toisa Envoy