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German tug Seefalke model. I photographed it on 24 May 2012 at the invitation of Bob Kelday whose father made it. See picture #25025 for a bit of background on the tug, and picture #26494 for a portrait of the model-maker.
Picture added on 10 August 2012 at 14:36
CORRECTION: it was actually Bob Kelday's father's brother Andrew who made the model. My apologies to Bob for mis-hearing him, and to viewers for posting incorrect comment.
Added by Ian Hourston on 11 August 2012
Excellent model of a famous salvage tug.
My Dad enjoyed swopping whisky for schnapps on this
tug at Lyness,
If you have any other photos of the model I would like to see them
My Dad enjoyed swopping whisky for schnapps on this
tug at Lyness,
If you have any other photos of the model I would like to see them
Added by Ian Scott on 13 August 2012
This tug was ordered home by Hitler when he heard she was taking part in the raising of the German High Seas Fleet
Added by W Watters on 13 August 2012
I, personally, don't have any other photos Ian. The reflections & distortions from the glass display cabinet proved too stubborn on all but this one, so I deleted them.
Added by Ian Hourston on 13 August 2012
Thanks Ian,yes photos of models in glass cases is very difficult,But he one you posted is excellent
Added by Ian Scott on 16 August 2012
Seefalke has been restored floating Bremerhaven maritime museum
Added by Bob Kelday on 17 August 2012
That's good to know Bob. Floating museum ships can be fascinating. I saw one at Regensburg on the Danube last September - a paddle-driven river tugboat.
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Anonymous comment added on 24 August 2012