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Old plane over Kirkwall
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Old plane over Kirkwall

i saw this old plane flying over Kirkwall on the 20th June. I think it is a JU 52.Did anybody else see it and do you know anything about it.
Picture added on 10 July 2012 at 00:20
Willie - this is a Junkers - JU52 taking part in a flight from Cologne to the USA. It had stopped overnight at Wick before heading to Faroe and the onwards to the USA, the ultimate destination being Los Angeles. More details at: www.rimowa-in-the-air.com/northamerica/home/
Added by Dave Dawson on 10 July 2012
It had 3 engines, one in the nose, and I think the complete outer skin was corrugated aluminium alloy. I also think Hitler had one. I used to fly in a Junka around 1948 either from Glasgow (Renfrew) to Inverness or from Inverness to Kirkwall, (memory fading). I have a photo, taken in Inverness, if anyone is interested
Added by Gordon Sinclair on 11 July 2012
Dave its clear to me you must have been a very good investigating officer in days gone past!!.
Where do you start with your inquiries into the likes of this aircraft?.
Added by John Budge on 12 July 2012
No great secret to my powers John! I'll admit to having a head start on that one - the plane had stopped off at Wick overnight and had featured on Caithness.org.
Far North Aviation with their refuelling facilities at Wick seem to attract a number of trans-Atlantic vintage aircraft and it's amazing just how many old warbirds make the same journey.
Anonymous comment added on 14 July 2012
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