Orkney Image Library

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Orkneycommunities webmaster makes good
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Orkneycommunities webmaster makes good

I thought that we should record our new convener's first official public engagement: Norwegian Constitution Day, 17 May 2012.

[My commitment to the Orkney Image Library is rock solid, good people - Steven]
Picture added on 23 May 2012 at 21:38
Bit o Cillit Bang needed or is it tough times?
(other cleaners are available)

[You're referring to the pulpit I assume Duncan... - Steven]
Added by Duncan Tullock on 24 May 2012
No chain of office?

Added by Paul Sutherland on 24 May 2012
Thank goodness for that. It would be lost without you.
Added by Neil Johnstone on 24 May 2012
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