The Orkney Image Library
No: 26313 Contributor: Jim Eunson Year: 1909
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Two Stanley Cursiter items which I recently bought together with a letter and Xmas card dated 1909/10 so I assume the signed photo is from then, he would have been 22, which looks about right. I am fairly sure that the family group is of Stanley (on the r) and siblings, he was the youngest of 4. His father died when Stanley was 9 in 1896, so I do not think that can be him, I think it is probably his uncle J W Cursiter - can anyone confirm that?
Picture added on 04 April 2012 at 13:35
1910 was the year of Stanley Cursiter's graduation at Edinburgh College of Art, and this looks likely to be his graduation photograph, complete with top hat!
Added by Bryce Wilson on 17 February 2019